The Bourne Legacy Trailer and Photo

I’m kinda meh on Jeremy Renner (people keep telling me what a brilliant actor he is, but I don’t see it), so I’m not really looking forward to this. But it could be fun watching Edward Norton playing a CIA baddie in suit, heh.

So, according to Wikipedia, Rachel Weisz is “one of the film’s two main protagonists” (the other one being Renner’s character, obviously), while Edward Norton is “the film’s primary antagonist”. We see a lot of Renner in the trailer (as it should be), and quite a lot of Norton, too. But where the heck is Weisz?

Wait, why is Norton’s hair white in one photo and not in the other? Flashback scenes?

New “Moonrise Kingdom” Photos, Interview with Wes Anderson and Edward Norton

I really like the color palette of the movie.

More photos here:

Wes Anderson and Edward Norton was interviewed about the movie by Entertainment Weekly. Anderson on the inspiration behind the movie:

“There’s two movies that I really love that were both kind of huge inspirations for Moonrise Kingdom,” says Anderson. “One is a movie called Black Jack that’s directed by Ken Loach. The other one is another British movie that’s the first thing Alan Parker ever did. He wrote the script. It’s called Melody.

Norton on his character:

“Actually, my character in the film is not dissimilar from the way Wes directs a film,” says Norton, who plays an earnest, let’s-do-it! optimist of a troop leader. “[My character] doesn’t have a shred of cynicism about him. He’s a real believer. It was probably the easiest gig I ever had, because all I had to do was turn to Wes and say, ‘How would you say this line?’ Then I would just imitate it. He’s a great person to work for and with. He’s really a lot of fun.”

Wes Anderson’s “Moonrise Kingdom” Trailer, Poster and Photos

I was really torn about this movie. On the one hand, Edward Norton, Tilda Swinton and Frances McDormand in one movie? Awesome! On the other hand, it’s a Wes Anderson movie, and I’m not really crazy about his ‘hey, look at me, I’m so quirky, off-beat and left-of-center’ style of filmmaking. But it seems to work out okay here, maybe because the story is set in the 60’s, instead of the present day, the quirkiness doesn’t grate so much. And Norton is hilarious (“Jiminy cricket! He flew the coop.”)

Plot synopsis from Hollywood Reporter

Moonrise Kingdom, which Anderson co-wrote with Roman Coppola, follows two kids (Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward) who are deeply in love, and run away to be together. That leaves their parents (Murray and McDormand), the scout leader (Norton) and the local sheriff (Willis) in a panic, albeit a quirky one, as they try to find the star-crossed lovers.

Poster and photos from