Ben Whishaw Profiled in The Telegraph

Ben Whishaw

Another interesting profile of  Ben Whishaw in The Telegraph. The writer seems to come into the interview determined to debunk all the stuff in the other profiles written about Whishaw about his ‘vulnerability’.

Which brings us to something else about Ben Whishaw it’s impossible to ignore. Every review ever written about him talks about his vulnerability. Certainly, it’s true that with his huge brown eyes and his startled air, he can give a convincing impression of a two-legged deer caught in the headlights. But just how vulnerable is Whishaw off-screen, I wonder?

Whishaw’s answer?

“Ah…” he says, and looks away. There’s a long pause, during which his forehead becomes bisected by a deep frown. Some further ah-ing follows. But when he looks back, his gaze is steady and direct. “I don’t think anyone can walk through the world in a state of vulnerability all the time, can they? And as an actor, you do need to be quite… quite strong. I think it does take courage, in a way. After all, it’s a very revealing thing to do. Putting yourself in a position of being looked at. That’s one of the reasons why I find it very hard to watch myself on screen.” So, the vulnerability is all an act? “No,” he says eventually. “I wouldn’t say that… But you do use things about yourself as an actor, don’t you?”

I particularly like the ending of the article:

Our time is up and we shake hands. I’d rather expected Whishaw to have a soft, hesitant sort of handshake. But it’s not like that at all. It’s strong and confident, and when he looks me in the eye, he doesn’t blink.

There are also interviews with directors who’ve worked with Whishaw, and tidbits about Cloud Atlas and Skyfall, and of course, about playing Richard II. Full interview here:

2 thoughts on “Ben Whishaw Profiled in The Telegraph

  1. Thanks for this article. Did you get to hear BW on the Graham Norton radio show this AM? He was actually in studio. He sounded very sweet & very nervous. He did talk about the monkey in Richard ll. Her name is Rosie. I think we’re on BW overload now.

    • I did! I downloaded the podcast. I thought he sounded more relaxed than the other interviews I’ve seen on youtube. Maybe because it’s radio and not tv, hehe. And the host also has this informal, very friendly way of asking questions, like they’re mates just chatting. The monkey rides a horse with Ben 🙂

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